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Well, it’s that time of year. The birds are returning from wintering in the south, and they’re preparing their nests. Unfortunately, some birds, including swallows, love to build their mud nests under the shelter of our porches. Now, I love birds as much as most of you. I enjoy watching them and hearing them sing. I just don’t like them pooping all over my porch and outdoor furniture. In an effort to prevent this mess last year, I knocked their nest down each time they built it. I thought this would discourage them and cause them to move on. But they are determined little birds. Suddenly, almost overnight, I realized that not only was there a nest, but that momma bird had laid eggs. I was not about to knock down that nest, so I left them alone and put up with the mess for a few months until they moved on.

I was determined that this year would be different. Earlier this week, I noticed the swallows swooping down in the back yard, and finally onto our back porch. I quickly did some research and found a solution that seems to be working (my back porch has been nest free for two days so far.) The solution is simple. I cut some strips of aluminum foil about a foot and a half long and an inch wide, and attached them along the upper perimeter of the porch - spaced about every two feet. Apparently, the moving light reflecting off of the strips scares the birds and will keep them away. If you’re having the same problem, give this a try and let me know how it works for you. Until next time…….